Robofest 2012 Robot Competitions & Exhibits |
For more information about the robotics events described here, or if you are interested in participating as an exhibitor, contact Vince Frascella, Director of “RoboFest 2012” at
Liberty Science Center |
Sub Zero -- Explore the four states of matter (solid, liquid, gas and plasma) using super-cold liquid nitrogen - how and why things change from solid to liquid to gas, and surrounded guests with a liquid nitrogen fog. Also featured will be Trash Timeline – an interactive exhibit for children. |
Bayer Healthcare Science Exhibits |
Cick the logo to open a PDF file in another window for more information. |
Students will conduct the Alka Rocket experiment. In addition, Bayer’s booth will also provide visitors with an opportunity to handle a small scale tablet press and make their very own compressed tablet with help from a Bayer scientist. |
BAE Systems |
This Defense Contractor will exhibit and explain the use of ground and airborne robotics in the development of its communications equipment for the military. |
Live Reptiles/Aquatic Animals – Snakes n Scales |
See a fantastic array of live reptiles and aquatic life on our main exhibit floor. Talk with the informative staff to answer your questions, and get up close with these fascinating animals. Be sure not to miss the Live Presentations on the Great Reptiles with host Bill Boesenberg in our main auditorium! |
Dinosaurs Rock – FREE Fossil Dig |
 The Museum comes to YOU! A Gigantic display of fossils, Dinosaur Skeletons, and Minerals! FREE FOSSIL DIG with small actual fossil, yours to keep, for the first 1000 kids each day. |
Academy of Model Aeronautics |
See actual flying electric airplanes and helicopters. Fly a model yourself the flight simulator! Visit the booth for the free Balsa glider giveaways, and talk to AMA members as they showcase the world of model aviation, and how much fun it is! |
Vision Research Corporation (Ametek) |

Cick the logo to open a PDF file in another window for more information. |
See the latest in High Speed Imaging Technology - an engineering tool, much like an oscilloscope or a computer. It is a photographic technique that enables us to visualize and analyze physical phenomena, especially motion that is too fast for the human eye or conventional cameras to perceive.
Info Age Science Museum |
See exciting exhibits such as: How did we get to the cell phone? “Texting in The Victorian Age” - Morse code display. History of the computer, shown in dioramas. Working “Old Radios” – examples of how Radio Came Into the Home. Satellites – Vanguard and Telstar. Vintage desktop computers. |
Live Birds of Prey - Delaware Valley Raptors |
More information to come soon. |
Science Naturally |
Publisher of books helping kids connect with math and science. Q&A format, covering biology, chemistry, physics, earth science and general science, as well as the engaging “Name that Mammal Workshop”. |
Princeton University |

Hands-on demos explaining materials science, chemistry, biology and engineering. Scientists, Engineers, faculty and graduate researchers from PCCM, MIRTHE, PRISM, Molecular Biology, and Chemistry will share the inside story of polymers and slime. You’ll get to try out lasers and DNA extraction. Learn what energy is, and how it changes |
NJIT – Formula and Baja Racing Cars & Teams |
Cars are designed, partially manufactured, assembled, and raced by engineering students at NJIT, competing worldwide against over 100 other colleges/universities. Exhibit includes CAD displays of it’s design, design equations, and component analysis.
NJIT - ASCE Steel Bridge Team |
American Society of Civil Engineers - NJIT Student Chapter. Learn how bridges are designed and built! The NJIT Steel Bridge Team has built a reputation amongst the nation as a very competitive school at the ASCE/AISC Student Steel Bridge Competition (SSBC), ranking 15th out of 240 schools nationally and first in the NY/NJ region for 7 years running. Civlil engineering students are supplemented with a comprehensive, project experience from conception and design through fabrication, erection, and testing, culminating in a steel structure that meets client specifications and optimizes performance and economy. |
NJIT - ASCE Concrete Canoe Team |
The NJIT Concrete Canoe Team is comprised of a number of undergraduate civil engineering students who work together to design and fabricate a concrete canoe. Members of the team learn valuable real world applications such as, design procedures, structural analysis, financing, scheduling, and project management. All of these skills are sharpened while the students are applying their education to real hands-on project. The ASCE Concrete Canoe Competition (NCCC) challenges the students' knowledge, creativity and stamina, while showcasing the versatility and durability of concrete as a building material. A section of the concrete canoe will be on exhibit. |
NJIT - Engineers Without Borders |
Engineers without Borders (EWB) partners with developing communities worldwide in order to improve their quality of life. EWB aspires to not only aid these countries in solving their various problems, but more importantly, to empower these communities with the knowledge and skills needed to tackle future problems on their own. EWB-NJIT is comprised of students as well as faculty and professional advisors. |
NJIT - (ASCE) Student Chapter at NJIT |
The ASCE Chapter of NJIT is a proactive organization that provides Civil Engineering students with the opportunity to become active in the school and the community. Some of the things that we get involved with are intercollegiate competitions, community service, and various social activities.
Rutgers University – Formula Race Car & Team |
See last year’s formula racing car, whose team has received several awards for it’s past design innovations. Students will explain their design work and race experiences. Electrical Engineers will display their designs for a “line following” car which automatically steers. |
Rutgers University – The Rutgers Chapter of Engineers Without Borders |
Bringing Technology to Third World Communities. |
Rutgers University - ChemCar competition |
Rutgers chapter of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers |
Rutgers University – Rutgers Astronomical Society |
Look through 8" telescopes with solar filters to see the SUN! Observers will have a chance to see sunspots, and perhaps, solar flares! Learn about and discuss engineering and astrophysics with the members of the society!
Montclair State University |
Physics Large and Small: "From Nanoparticles to Galaxies". Including exhibits of ferrofluids, lasers, planets, galaxies, videos, and some fun physics demos. Other exhibits include Fluorescence in Rocks and minerals, groundwater flow & contaminant transport, and watershed models. |
William Paterson University |
The Physics Department, together with a NASA/JPL Solar System ambassador, will display multiple exhibits and experiments including: Fuel Cell car demonstration, Telescopes, Match graph using a motion sensor and data studio software, Atmospheric pressure demonstration, The Levitron, Mirage Demo and MORE! |
US Air Force F22 Mini Raptor |

See a real fighter jet engine up close and meet with Air Force representatives! Other equipment will be on display as well!
American Chemical Society |
Make molecular models in this interactive exhibit! Free raffle every hour for “Fizz, Bubble & Flash!: Element Explorations & Atom Adventures for hands on Science Fun” book or video. Grand prize is a Meg Mole doll! Balloons, flyers and take home science activities! |
ISPE – New Jersey Chapter |
Have you ever wondered what happens after you swallow a tablet? Demonstrations explore the adventure of a tablet once it is in the body, and will illustrate several properties relevant to manufacturing such products. And, how to build your own "Chocolate Factory”. |
Society for Developmental Biology |
Developmental Changes Form All Creatures: Come find out how fertilized eggs undergo changes throughout development to become crawling, swimming, flying and walking creatures or plants... or even YOU! Observe live frog and fish embryos under the microscope; and look for similarities and differences between them. Find out how evolution and environment helped shape these differences and similarities. Meet scientists and ask what can happen if something goes wrong during development. |
StarLab Planetarium - Vorhees HS Astronomy Club |
Explore the celestial skies inside the Portable Planetarium! Learn about the sun, the moon and the earths seasons, stars and constellations found in the night sky, as well as the history and mythology of our starry nights. Learn about the mythological origins of our constellations. |
The Museum of Interesting Things |
The Museum of Interesting Things is a traveling interactive demonstration/exhibition of antiques and inventions
inspiring innovation and creativity - learning from the past to create a better future. Demonstrating The Evolution of the Idea...and Beyond! |
ITT Exelis |
Learn about high technology and electronics and speak with engineers at ITT Exelis booth! |
Chemical Education Foundation |
Chemistry is an essential part of our world interacting with each of us, every day! Stop by and experience the excitement of chemistry first-hand with the Chemical Educational Foundation (CEF). CEF’s You Be The Chemist® (YBTC) programs are designed to enhance science education and make chemistry fun! Here, CEF staff will be performing innovative, hands-on science experiments from their You Be The Chemist (YBTC) Activity Guides, designed for students in grades K-8. |
Hi Scope Systems - Hitachi Tabletop SEM Microscope |
See the TM3000 tabletop Scanning Electron Microscope in action. Learn how to prepare samples for viewing and see spiders, insects, the insides of semiconductors, and more up close!
Hitachi Tabletop Microscope
the next generation in fully automated Table Top Microscopes |
A Career as a Research Scientist |
Presented by your hosts, Professor Robert Delotto, University of Copenhagen, and Professor Blase Billack, St. Johns University. Meet them both in person, and enjoy the presentation of their research work in the life sciences. |